How to verify account

Once you create an account, you already can proceed with the verification! To do so, please open your Evercash wallet and go to the Home screen and click Verify your account.

During the procedure, we will need your selfie and a photo of your ID document and Proof of Address. Continue the process by clicking on Start verification.


If you have a question, please see the answer to it in the FAQ section or send it to us by email [email protected]

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Osadní 869/32, Holešovice, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia
Osadní 869/32, Holešovice, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia
©2018—2022 Evercash is the operating name of Parcent s.r.o. (reg. No 17221684) registered in Czechia with its registration address at sídlem Osadní 869/32, Holešovice, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia. Parcent s.r.o. operates and provides virtual currency services under the Czech Trade Register, issued by the Czech Trade Register (REGISTR ŽIVNOSTENSKÉHO PODNIKÁNÍ - ID RZP: 144936763). Privacy Policy, AML policy, Terms of Use and Cookie Policy.